Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Runaway Jury Ethics paper Essays
Runaway Jury Ethics paper Essays Runaway Jury Ethics paper Essay Runaway Jury Ethics paper Essay Virtuous Revenge? The movie defines the trail that Jury will sit in on. A man walks into a New Orleans brokerage firm and opens fire on everyone inside. He kills one of the higher-ranking employs, Jacob Woods. The movie then immediately Jumps two years ahead in time. We meet Nicholas Easter, played by John Sack. He opens a letter to find out he has been summoned for Jury Duty. The case is none other than Celeste Woods, the woman whose husband had been shot two years prior, vs.. Vicksburg Firearms, the company that allowed the gun to get into the killers hands. As Nick is walking away room his mailbox, someone is taking pictures of him. This is where the main ethical dilemma is revealed. Rankin Fitch, played by Gene Hickman, has already begun to gather information on all the possible Jurors that could work the trail. He plans on getting the Jurors that would vote for his client, Vicksburg Firearms. Wendell Roar, the attorney that represents Celeste, also decides to hire a Jury consultant like Fitch. He chooses a man that came down from Philadelphia, named Lawrence, to do the Job. In the midst of the movie unfolding, we also find out that Nick has been chosen as Juror #9. When Nick arrives home later that night, He greets Marble, and we learn that are trying to sway the Jury as well. They are trying to make money by selling the Jurors votes to the highest paying side. There are 3 different sides working this trail, each wanting to win for their own reasons. Is this idea of swaying a Jury ethical? The three theories of ethical behavior that most apply to this movie are Rights Theory, Utilitarianism, and Justice and Fairness. I will apply these separate theories to try and answer this question. The first theory I want to take a look at is Justice and Fairness. The whole trial is about whether Mrs.. Woods deserved to be compensated for her husbands death. She was taking on a Gun manufacturer, not the specific person that shot her husband. Her attorney claimed that Vicksburg Firearms werent checking store sells. Therefore allowing people to buy as many guns as they wanted. They claimed people were buying these guns in large amounts, to sell on the black market. Of course, Vicksburg attorneys argued that the company had been checking up on different sales. They argued the fact that it wasnt there fault her husband was injured. They also argued the fact that the shooter was the real cause and was dead. So the question, in regards to whether Mrs.. Woods deserved the money or not, can actually be found by looking at compensatory Justice. If Vicksburg Firearms was negligent to where their guns were being sold, then it might be their fault that the gunman was able to acquire a gun. This is the reason that Finch was hired. The company knew that there was a slight chance they could lose and have their reputation, and money, deteriorate. Is this any reason that a Jury should be looked at as votes? Is it something that can be bought or manipulated to go a certain way? The answer is no. Rails theory of fairness pulls many different approaches of Justice into two principals. The first principle, the principle of equal liberty, is the greater of the two. It states that liberties must be protected from invasion of others and must be equal to those of others. This simply means that everyone deserves equal treatment. So the Jury should be protected from outside, and inside, invasion. Therefore they are tightly linked to duties. That is why I am going to look at rights theory next. Rights theory defined is an individuals entitlement to do something. Moral rights and Legal sights are different, but when trying to swing the Juror votes, both are violated. Using the legal rights system, it permits a person to act a certain way. That is why the Jurors are allowed to Judge whether someone is guilty or innocent. Moral Rights are entitlements based on moral standards independent of a legal system. That is why someone trying to swing the vote is wrong. These people are independent of the legal system but still feel that they can control others rights. An easier way to look at it is; if I have a right to do something, others have a duty to not interfere with that eight. Because these Jurors are fulfilling a legal right and their moral rights are being jeopardized, both of their rights are being infringed upon. Moral rights, in particular, provide individuals with equality and autonomy. One cannot subject others to their wishes. Finch does not do this subtly. He gives many of the Jurors ultimatums by digging up dirt in their past, and also causing problems. Two of these situations stood out very clear to me. The first was when Finchs henchman told Kick that he knew about her abortion. That he knew the baby wasnt her husbands and if she didnt vote his way, her husband would find out. The next situation was when Finch set Mills husband up to get arrested. Mill was told that if she didnt vote for Vicksburg, her husband wouldnt be released. These tactics are morally and legally wrong. The last topic I want to look at is Utilitarianism. This is Just selecting the best course of action that has the most beneficial consequences for society. Some would argue that this is the only way a verdict could be swung. If someone from the inside or outside could sway the verdict so that the most positive, or least negative, outcome loud happen, it would be all right. This is where I want to take a look at Nick. He is a juror on the case and has his own agenda. He plays both sides but his intentions are made clear at the very end of the movie. Nick had been in Middle school when someone came in and shot up the school. He wasnt able to save Marbles twin sister and always thought it was his fault. When the town he was from tried to sue the gun manufacturer, they lost and went bankrupt. Finch was the Jury Consultant for the gun company. Nick worked with Marble on this trail and they were able to swing the votes away from Finch.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How To Build Your Spanish Vocabulary
How To Build Your Spanish Vocabulary A big part of learning any foreign language is learning the vocabulary - the collection of words used by those who speak the language. Fortunately for English speakers learning Spanish, there is a large overlap in the vocabulary. Thats because Spanish is a direct descendant of Latin while English received an infusion of Latin-derived vocabulary in the aftermath of the Norman Conquest of 1066. Word Similarities The overlap gives English speakers a head start in learning Spanish vocabulary. A linguist would say the two language have an abundance of cognates, words that are similar and have a common origin. But that head start comes with a price: Meanings of words change over time, and English and Spanish havent always changed in the same way. So some words, known as false friends, look like they might mean the same thing in the corresponding word of the other language. For example, something that is actual in Spanish is something thats current or happening now rather than something that isnt imaginary. And some words, ones I (but hardly anybody else) call fickle friends, correspond frequently but not so often enough that their meanings need to be learned. Arena in Spanish can refer to a sports arena, for example, but it more often refers to sand. Expanding on What You Know How many words do you need to be proficient in Spanish? Thats an open question because the answer depends on what you want to do with the language. That task of learning thousands of words may sound daunting. But there are ways you can make the task easier. One way is to take advantage of the many prefixes and suffixes, word beginnings and endings you can use. Many of the prefixes will seem familiar, because most come from Latin. Thats not as common with the suffixes. Two of the main kinds are augmentative suffixes, which can add a negative connotation to a word or refer to something thats particularly large, and diminutive suffixes, which can refer to things that are small or that are especially desirable. Memorization Memorization is seldom the most fun way to learn words, but many students benefit from it. Here are some of the word lists we provide as an aid: Top 100 Spanish words you need to knowSpanish for air travelersArabic words in SpanishSpanish arithmetic termsSpanish at the beachWords for everyday things around the homeComputer and Internet termsBody parts in SpanishCompound words in SpanishConfusing Spanish verb pairs: ser and estar, saber and conocer, othersEnglish words borrowed from SpanishGeography in Spanish: City names, definite articles with country names, nationalitiesSpanish lodging vocabularySpanish love wordsCommon and not-so-common vegetablesAlternatives for muySpanish names for occupationsSpanish names of petsSpanish astronomical termsSpanish names for relativesSpanish for ThanksgivingShopping in Spanish and Spanish names for storesSpanish units of timeSeasons in SpanishSpanish weather termsSpanish war and military termsSpanish words for whatSpanish words for snowWinter sports in SpanishU.S.-style football termsBasketball glossarySpanish at the zooWords for celebrating Halloween We also have lessons on use of particular words. Many of these lessons include comments on the words etymology, or word history. AlfabetoClaroDerecho and derechaGraciaGringoHuracnMejor and peorNoSanto For Fun It may not always be practical, but sometimes its fun to learn words just for the sake of learning them: Crossword puzzles in SpanishWhat is the longest word in Spanish? Ways to Make These Words Yours Over the years, numerous readers of this site have offered their advice for incorporating the words into the Spanish that you can use everyday. The simple fact, though, is that what works well for one person doesnt work for everyone, as we all have our own learning styles. You might consider some of these methods, however, to see of one of them clicks for you: Make sticky notes with names of objects and place them on the things you want to be able to talk about. You cant do this everywhere, of course, but if you do this your home you can track your progress by removing the notes for words you have already learned.Create three-by-five-inch cards with vocabulary words on one side and definitions on the other. And random times during the day, compose sentences using the words.Use social media to find Spanish speakers learning English and you can help each other.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the economic and political motives for European expansion into Essay
Discuss the economic and political motives for European expansion into Africa in the 19th Century - Essay Example However, in the 19th century, European expansion was much greater and had new motives: political, economic and social. This essay discusses the economic and political motives for European expansion into Africa in the 19th century. Common excuses for the19th century colonial expansion were the spread of civilization, education, and Christianity (Colonialism in Africa, slide 5). However, these were only pretexts. There were other economic and political reasons for this expansion, which were mostly concealed. Industrial Revolution is the classic reason given when the economic motive is explored. Industrial revolution created a sharp need for raw materials, new resources, new markets and new investment outlets for surplus capital (Colonialism in Africa, slide 6). There was interplay of various factors, such as unemployment resulting from the large scale industrialisation. Europe dealt with this problem by acquiring new colonies for the purpose of finding an alternative place for such surplus population. These settler colonies served different purposes from the non-settler colonies. The economic motives for colonial expansion are testified by the colonial economic policies that enabled exploitation of natural and human resources. Development of infrastructure for easy access to and transportation of resources and education for the development and eventual exploitation of human resources are examples (Nationalism and Decolonization, slide 3). While the economic imperatives derived from industrial revolution spurred the eventual colonization of Africa, the political impetus was equally powerful in the European expansion and it rose from inter-European competition for pre-eminence and power (Colonialism in Africa, slide 7). Colonies around the globe symbolised power and various European powers competed to acquire colonies, establish stakes and declare exclusive rights in particular territories and waterways across Africa. The scramble for Africa was so that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Selection - A Function Within HR Research Paper
Selection - A Function Within HR - Research Paper Example Companies at times may bear huge cost by making a wrong hire decision. It is through good selection methods organisations can restrain their hiring decision. Good selection method also prevents the organisation from making wrong investment and therefore provides the organisation confidence regarding the fact that they are making the correct hiring decisions. The most significant point to consider is that organisations need to pay due consideration towards their main objectives when hiring the candidates. It is through best practices in the process of selection that can enhance the efficiency of the organisation (Hudson Highland Group, 2011). Selection is not only concerned regarding the choice of the right person at the right place but also it aims at maintaining and enhancing the performance thereby improving the rate of retention of the employees and increasing job satisfaction. For the purpose of achieving these objectives, the managers who are responsible for hiring the candidate s are confronted with the candidates possessing numerous characteristics and competencies. It is the duty of the hiring manager to decide the use of the tool that can be used for the selection process in order to reach to the best possible examination of the various candidates. Therefore, it becomes significant to consider the reliability of the selected instrument so that a robust outcome of the selection procedure can be guaranteed. Selection tools predictive validity needs to be paid due attention so that there is best possible forecast of the success of new hires (Hudson Highland Group, 2011). Best Thing to Do To Make Selection Work Selection can be identified as the procedure through which individuals possessing the correct qualification are chosen in order to fill the vacant position of the organisation (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). Selection of candidate for a particular designation signifies hiring a person who can be a contributing factor in the achievement of goals of the orga nization. Whatever be the designations, it is quite significant for the organisation to implement the similar standards of selection so that the effectiveness is enhanced. The companies need to employ best practice selection methodology in order to ensure that the candidate selected is fully profiled and therefore matched with the assignment criteria in terms of functional skills, personal attributes and attitudes, organizational culture and sector experience among others. In order to make selection work, it is quite significant for the companies to make extensive and appropriate use of the database search. The database needs to be of high quality and needs to be updated on a continuous basis. The companies need to focus on quality rather than quantity of candidates. Offering proper training to the line managers or selection team who are involved in the process of recruitment can also aid them in conducting the selection of the candidate as per the set objectives (Daltons Kingswell, 2005). It is to be remembered that a good selection process is one which does not involve any kind of illegal unfairness in the context of gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, race and religion or belief. It is also significant for the selection team to keep themselves updated with the changes in the labour market (Acas, n.d.). Selection Based on Job Analysis Selection is the procedure of choosing the applicant from a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example for Free
Sensory Perceptions Essay Provide at least three (3) reasons for believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information. our senses are the connection between the world and our mind. a lot of philosophers defined our senses as the window of the soul. every senses in our brain work hand to hand and build a combined picture of where we are , who we are, and what is going on in our environment, our thinking and sensing are hardly connected and we rely on accurate observations. KirbyGoodpaster,2007,p54-55). the most tree reasons for believing in the accuracy of sensory information are: a. Touch When we touch something hot, our feeling sense automatically send messages to our brain inform the brain that there is same thing wrong or same thing will cause same kind of pain to the body as result we remove our hand (or other part of the body) before we get burned, or before the pain get worst. b. Smell our sense of smell can distinguish when there is danger. or example, When we smell smoke automatically there is a fire, or least something smoldering as result there is a danger to us, , so we can easily trust the accuracy of that sensory information. c. sight The data given by our sense of sight most of the time gives an accurate data regarding the world around us. for instant, If we see two persons talking, there is no hesitancy about them actually talking. also If we see the sun during the morning, we all know it is not a cloudy morning. (Kemp, Hollywood, Hort, 2009). 2. Identify and describe at least three (3) factors contributing to the accuracy of sensory data. here are many things that can cause an effect to the accuracy of sensory data. the first and the most important one is food. our brain like other body part needs energy in order to work properly as result allow our senses to function well. eating right food with Enough protein and vitamins especially starches will make our brain function properly. without the good nutrition our brain wi ll lacks energy as result will effect our sensory data. the second factor is drugs, it has a major affect to our sensory accuracy. there are many kinds of drugs like narcotics or pain medication can easily affect the function of our brain. he big problem is this kind of medicine will cause body reaction time. also same kind of drug can cause hallucination as result it will cause a serious and log term troubles. Finally, sleep play a big role to contribute on the accuracy of the sensors. we spend a third of our lives doing it. From this sentence we can easy see the importance of sleep to our body is like a reset or refresh to the body include the accuracy sensor and make them ready for the next day. (Girodo, 1999) (KirbyGoodpaster,2007,p69-75). 3. Discuss the roles of ? nature? and ? nurture? with regard to the interpretation and evaluation of sensory data. rom many cultures humans are all so alike, we all have almost the same DNA, and we share almost the same behaviors. However, we are influenced by our family DNA , and by the kind of culture that surrounds us. different  aspect of nurture and nature have affected as result make what kind of personality that I have know. Nature contain the characteristic that are inherited or hereditary from my dynasty, one thing that nature has impacted me is from my mood. according to my mamas story, my mood as an enfant was very calm. this characteris tic keep on as I grow until now I react in very calm way. nd I try to avoid problems as much as I can. an another example of influence of nature is the way that I learn. we I was young I was label as slow learner, I had many problems of memorization skills. this characteristic was due to an inherited from my family.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The prince Essay -- Literary Analysis, Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince†attempts to explain the necessary tactics and required knowledge a ruler must attain in order to gain and maintain a successful reign. The novel serves as an abstract manual, addressing the definition of a good/bad ruler by placing emphasis on the required military organization, the character a ruler must posses, and the success that could be attained if a ruler should follow the guide. The scope in which the book is written is that of a scholarly observant. Machiavelli places his findings and observations of history, as well as the needs of the people so the information may serve the prince as a tool, that once implemented will create and maintain a powerful state. The guide places a particular emphasis on the prerequisites of a good ruler. Arguing that a ruler must â€Å"...make himself both loved and feared by his subjects, followed and respected by his soldiers,.... be severe yet loved, magnanimous and generous...†(28) these are the qualities ingrained in imploring a successful military, balancing cruelty and generosity, and forming successful alliances. By addressing the issues and concerns of the people and that of the state, Machiavelli reveals the shift between a good ruler and a bad ruler. The guide demonstrates the good by exemplifying the bad done by past rulers, then judging and criticizing their handles on the military, cruelty vs generosity deplored, and the treatment of their alliances. One of the most important institutions in which Machiavelli places emphasis on in â€Å"The Prince†is in the management of a military force. Machiavelli starts by emphasizing that one â€Å"...cannot have good laws without good arms.†(40) therefore how a ruler manages his military is essential in defining ... ... rather than to be used and trumped over, a wiser choice is to be the miser. In the letter from Niccolo Machiavelli to Lorenzo de Medici, it is clear that there is an â€Å"end justifies the means†the purpose of this book serves a greater purpose. The means, are the examples and the advice given by Machiavelli. The over all goal of creating â€Å"The Prince†is in establishing control power and forming a calculated was to rule. This booklet organizes the necessary information, in understanding what will define a good ruler. Serving a guide to success, a success that has been laid out and now has to only be grabbed by the right man. Machiavelli uses many examples of the glories of Rome, to really get back to the unity and prominence that once filled Italy. â€Å"The Prince†serves as a address to all that the world that we can do better, and therefore we should do better.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Performance management system at TCS Essay
The performance management process involves all levels in an organization. Strategic goals set by the organization filter through the organization and affect the goals and activities of each employee. In addition, the performance management process gathers and updates current employee data to maintain the human resource information system (HRIS). The HRIS contains a skill bank of employee information that enables the HR department to determine if the organization has the right mix of skills and people to achieve the organization’s goals in an ever-changing world. This information is used in all areas of HR decision-making. Effective performance management requires ongoing communication between supervisors and staff. The assessment and review part of the process provides the opportunity for documentation and formal communication. It’s the time for the supervisor and the employee to set developmental goals that reinforce the organization’s strategic plan and, if th ere are areas of problem performance, action plans for improvement. There should be discussion of the employee’s career progress and plans made for training and long-term career growth. Many supervisors see the appraisal process as a motivation tool to improve employee performance. The employee’s main objective is to obtain feedback from the supervisor on his or her work performance. Ideally, employees receive feedback at all times and not just through the review process. The employee will also expect organizational support in his or her career growth. Together, the employee and the supervisor should identify areas for improvement and set goals for training and skill development. Anything the supervisor can do to enhance the employee’s skills will benefit both the employee and the organization. If the organization links performance appraisal to compensation, most employees will expect a raise as a result of a positive review. Though supervisors generally conduct the review, they may not have a say in the amount of compensation awarded because compensation is normally determined by organizational policy. This can be particularly problematic for supervisors who want to motivate employees through the appraisal process but find the organizationâ₠¬â„¢s compensation to be a de-motivator when increases are not as much as employees would like. For this reason, many supervisors prefer that compensation increases are not linked to the performance appraisal process. Difference between Performance management and performance appraisal Performance Management Performance Appraisal Performance management is a goal-oriented system to ensure that organizational processes exist to maximize the productivity of employees, teams and, ultimately, the organization. A performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team performance. Performance management is an ongoing organizational process that is conducted to maximize the productivity of employees with the overall intention of improving the organization’s effectiveness. The performance appraisal is a periodic event to reflect and evaluate past performance with the intent to identify strengths and weaknesses of an employee’s performance and to identify developmental goals. It is strategic in nature and involves every person and all HR processes in the organization. All are directly tied to achieving the organization’s goals. A performance appraisal is just one part of a performance management system. The Importance of Performance Management The employees are an integral and indispensable part of running a business smoothly and efficiently. That’s why, keeping in mind the crucial role of the employees, a recent trend known as Performance Management has come into practice. Using performance management, we can ensure that our employees not only fulfil their responsibilities, but do so to the best of their abilities and up to your expectations. Performance management allows us to tap the full potential of our staff. It can be described as a comprehensive process starting from monitoring and developing the desired traits to rating their progress and rewarding them for their achievements. I. Involve Employees in the Planning Stage The making of plans alone will not help us to run our business successfully. We must also focus on the appropriate ways to get business tasks done. One way of doing this efficiently is to involve our employees in the planning process. This will not only boost their morale and confidence, but also help us avoid any communication gaps in the process. Additionally, it will also help in providing them with a clear picture of what we expect from them and what they need to accomplish. II. Monitoring the Progress of Our Employees Just as revision of business plans is sometimes necessary for the success of our business, measuring the performance of every employee is also important. This ensures that tasks are efficiently completed on time and on or under budget. It also points out to you any shortcomings of either our staff or business plans, and helps us to take the appropriate corrective actions. III. Ensuring All Around Development of Employees Performance management gives us the tools to install the desired qualities in our employees in order to get the job done. Development is not limited to only individuals in our workplace, but also addresses the performance of the team as a whole. All around employee development not only ensures the personal and professional growth of our employees, but also the expansion and improvement of our business. IV. Evaluation of Individual Performance Evaluating and rating the performance of our employees on an individual basis is essential. This gives them a clear picture of where they presently stand, areas that they need to work on and what they are good at. This way, they can focus more on their weaknesses and work to strengthen those areas. We should make it company policy to issue performance reviews while providing your employees with the feedback that they need to perform better at their jobs. V. Rewarding Our Employees Rewarding and appreciating our employees’ efforts ensures that the level of their performance and consequently the performance of our business is not compromised. It ensures optimum productivity, Performance and maximum profitability. Rewarding our staff for a job well done not only enhance their performance but also serves as a tool to keep them motivated. Therefore, performance management is an effective system that allows us to achieve the financial goals of our small business. Methods of Performance Appraisal There are a variety of appraisal methods available to organizations. The method selected by the organization should fit well with the organization’s goals and be appropriate to the job being appraised. Some organizations use different methods for different positions. Regardless of the system used, regular communication and feedback from managers are more important than the method used. Graphic rating scale A graphic rating scale is the most commonly used appraisal system. Evaluators record their judgments on a scale that includes about 5–7 categories. Categories are defined by adjectives such as outstanding, meets expectations or needs improvement. This method is popular because it is easy to administer and can be quantified, if desired, by adding a numeric value to each description. Ranking method In the ranking method, the evaluator places employees from a particular group in the order of overall performance, starting with the top performer–who is rated the highest–and moving down to the poorest performer in the group who receives the lowest ranking. Paired comparison is a variation of the ranking method in which the performance of each employee is compared with every other employee. The comparison is often based on a single criterion, such as overall performance. The employee who receives the greatest number of favorable comparisons is ranked the highest. This can be difficult to administer if your work group consists of a large number of employees. Forced distribution method The forced distribution method requires the evaluator to assign individuals to a limited number of categories, much like a normal frequency distribution curve. A few individuals will get very high ratings and a few will get very low ratings, with the majority averaging in the center of the curve. Generally, those with very low ratings are subject to termination. As with the ranking method, this system requires the evaluator to place some employees at the bottom, even if their performance is acceptable, and some at the top, even if performance may actually be less than outstanding. The system makes the erroneous assumption that there must be some outstanding workers and some poor workers, even when that may not be the case. Forced distribution is unpopular among managers because many believe it destroys teamwork and fosters cutthroat competition among employees. Critical incident method The critical incident method requires the evaluator to maintain records of employees’ favorable and unfavorable performances. These critical incidents become the basis for evaluation. The incident log must be maintained over the entire evaluation period to eliminate the problem of just evaluating an employee’s most recent Performance. Essay method In the essay method, the evaluator writes a brief narrative of the employee’s performance. The major criticism of this method is that it is very subjective because the evaluation criteria left entirely to the discretion of the evaluator and the results are dependent on the writing skills of the evaluator. It can be difficult to compare the results of employee evaluations that use the essay method because there are no common criteria used for evaluation. BARS–behaviorally anchored rating scale BARS is a behaviorally anchored rating scale that combines elements of a traditional rating scale and a critical incident method. Various performance levels are described on a scale, and the evaluator compares the employee’s performance to the levels described. The descriptions provided reduce the amount of judgment required of the evaluator and rely on the evaluator’s observations of the employee’s work behavior. MBO–management by objectives Management by objectives, or MBO, is a results-based system that relies on the manager and the employee to jointly agree on objectives, the attainment of which becomes the basis of evaluation for the next appraisal period. TCS- Tata Consultancy Service About The Company Tata consultancy services limited (TCS) is the world-leading information technology consulting, services, and business process outsourcing organization that envisioned and pioneered the adoption of flexible global and pioneered the adoption of the flexible global business practices that today enable companies to operate more efficiently and produce more value. They are part of one of Asia’s largest conglomerates- the TATA Group- which, with its interests in Energy, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Chemicals, provides us with a grounded understanding of specific business challenges facing global companies. The role of HR assumes unthinkable proportions and is subject to mammoth challenges. With this sensitive breed of IT professionals, how has TCS grown to and sustained at the number one position is a question which market watchers have asked themselves a thousand times. There is but one answer- passion for excellence in the workforce practices. TCS has developed an unbreakable bond with sound HR practices in an environment that defines traditional roles and responsibilities. The TCS-HR group operates with technical experts to create a synergy which is enviable. The role of HR, which is that of a facilitator. So whether it is recruitment or even career development, HR is the catalyst which initiates and institutionalizes processes. To manage all the functions for over 14000 employees is a difficult task but the smoothness of operations is intriguing. The HR structure, which allows flexibility and empowerment, is the solution. Performance Appraisal Criteria at TCS Objective Data relating to performance assessment of employees are recorded, stored and used for different purposes: MAIN PURPOSE OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL General Applications Specific purposes Developmental Uses Identification of individual needs Performance feedback Determining Transfers and job assignments Identification of individual strengths and development needs. Administrative Uses Salary Promotion Retention or termination Recognition of individual performance Lay-offs Identification of poor performers Organizational Maintenance/ Objectives HR planning Determining organization training needs Evaluation of organizational gal achievement Information for goal identification Evaluation of HR systems Reinforcement of organizational development needs Documentation Criteria for validation research Documentation for HR decisions Helping to meet legal requirements Performance Appraisal and Competitive Advantages in TCS The objectives of performance appraisal, point out the purpose which such an exercise seeks to meet. What needs emphasis is that performance evaluation contributes to TCS’s competitive strength. Besides encouraging high levels of performance, the evaluation system helps identify employees with potential, reward performance equitable and determine employee’s need for training. Specifically, performance appraisal has helped the TCS gain competitive edge in the following ways: Improving performance Making correct decisions Ensuring legal compliance Minimizing dissatisfaction and turnover Values and behaviour Strategy and behaviour TCS conducts two appraisals: 1. At the end of the year 2. At the end of a project Appraisals are based on Balanced Scorecard, which tracks the achievement of employees on the basis of targets at four levels: Based on their individual achievements, employees are rated on a scale of one to five (five = â€Å"superstar†). If employees get a low rating (less than two) in two consecutive appraisals, the warning flags go up. â€Å"If the poor performer continues getting low scores then the exit option may be considered. Over the years TCS has found the pattern that leads to the maximum decline in performance. If employees work for more than two years on the same project, typically either their performance dips or they leave the organisation. To avoid that, TCS shuffles its employees between projects every 18 months or so. â€Å"Performance drops if motivation drops†the employee satisfaction depends upon the fact whether his performance is being appreciated and recognized. TCS’s performance management system has metamorphosed into one that emphasizes objectivity and a system that mandates performance evaluation against pre-determined criteria. What Deserve special mention is the active participation of the senior management in the determination of guidelines for the Performance Appraisal Process. The process ensure buy in of the employees since the guidelines for the rating system and its conversion into money terms is not unilaterally decided by HR but is a consensus of a cross functional team with representation from all levels. TCS’s performance appraisal system is supported by an online system called the Human Resource management system an Oracle Developer 2000 based tool. An employee’s performance history at the click of a button and this accurately maintained for 14000 employees. Right from his entry, an employee in TCS get formal performance feedback once every 2 months till such time that he is confirmed after which the performance feedback is provided twice every year on a formal basis. TCS however widely encourages informal feedback discussions between Project leader & Team Members and this concept have found an overwhelming appeal among the people. Recognition at TCS Guaranteed high motivation levels at TCS through competitive compensation packages, stimulating job content, outstanding development opportunities, and not the least, an innovative recognition mechanism. The various ways in which TCS recognizes its people are listed below: Project milestone parties  to encourage efficient execution of projects. Recognition of star performers / high fliers  to recognize outstanding talent. Nomination to covet training programmes  to encourage self-development. Best project award  to promote a spirit of internal competition across work groups and to foster teamwork. Best PIP award  to encourage innovation and continuous improvement. Best auditor award  to acknowledge participation in critical support roles Spot awards  to ensure real-time recognition of employees. Recommendations for new technology assignments / key positions  to ensure career progression and development of employees’ full potential. Performance-based annual increments  to recognize high performers Early confirmations for new employees  to reward high-performing new employees Long-service awards à ¢â‚¬â€ to build organisational loyalty EVA-based increments  to ensure performance-based salaries. On-the-spot recognition â€â€to guarantee immediate recognition of good performance.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chid Abuse
HSP Computer Superstore Project Description: In this project, you will modify a workbook for the HSP Computer Superstore to track the sales totals for 2011. You will use functions to calculate total sales, average sales, and median, minimum, and maximum sales values. Additionally, you will create a summary worksheet using values from the other spreadsheets in the workbook. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step| Instructions| Points Possible| 1| Start Excel.Open the downloaded Excel workbook named GO_e02_Grader_IR. xlsx. | 0| 2| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B25, insert a function that will total all of the sales for Quarter 1 in the range B6:B23. Copy the function in cell B25 to the range C25:F25. | 6| 3| On the Main St. worksheet, adjust the column widths for columns C, D, and E to 13. 57 (100 pixels). | 3| 4| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B26, insert a function that will calculate the average sales for Q uarter 1. Copy the function in cell B26 to the range C26:E26. 6| 5| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B27, insert a function that will display the median sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B27 to the range C27:E27. | 6| 6| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B28, insert a function that will display the minimum sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B28 to the range C28:E28. | 6| 7| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B29, insert a function that will display the maximum sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B29 to the range C29:E29. | 6| 8| On the Main St. orksheet, in cell B30, insert a function that will count the number of sales agents with sales greater than $75,000 in Quarter 1 (B6:B23). Copy the function in cell B30 to the range C30:E30. | 6| 9| Group the Main St. and Franklin Ave. worksheet tabs. With both worksheets selected, click in cell F6 and insert a function that will total all of the 2011 sales for the first agent. Copy the function in cell F6 to the range F7:F23. Ungroup the worksheets. | 12| 10| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell G6, insert a function that will display the text Gold if the sales agent's total sales alue for 2011 is greater than or equal to 225000. Otherwise, the function will display the text Training Required. Copy the function in cell G6 to the range G7:G23. | 6| 11| Copy the contents of cell A4 on the Franklin Ave. worksheet, and paste them into cell A4 on the Main St. worksheet. | 1| 12| On the Main St. worksheet, freeze above row 6 so that row 5 continues to display as you scroll down on the worksheet. | 2| 13| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B32, enter the value 1/15/12. Clear the contents and formatting in cell B32, and then enter the date January 15, 2012 in the same cell. 1| 14| On the Main St. worksheet, display green data bars with a gradient fill in all cells in the range F6:F23. | 3| 15| On the Main St. worksheet, create an Excel table with headers using the range A5 :G23. Sort the Total column from smallest to largest, and then filter the Category column so that only those requiring training are displayed. | 12| 16| Use the Find and Replace dialog box to find the text Sales Agent ID on the Main St. worksheet and replace it with the text Sales Rep ID. | 2| 17| Change the scaling of the Main St. worksheet so the contents fit on one page. 4| 18| Reposition the Main St. worksheet tab so that it appears to the right of the Franklin Ave. worksheet tab. Rename the Sheet1 worksheet tab to Summary, and then change the tab color to blue (under Standard Colors). | 6| 19| On the Summary worksheet, rotate the text in cells B4 and C4 so that it is angled counterclockwise (45 degrees). | 2| 20| On the Summary worksheet, in cell B8, construct a linking formula that will refer to the value in cell E25 on the Franklin Ave. worksheet. In cell C8, construct a linking formula that will refer to the value in cell E25 on the Main St. orksheet. On the Main St. workshe et, change the value in cell E6 to 45581. 09. Note that the Quarter 4 sales total for the Main St. store updates automatically in the Summary sheet. | 7| 21| On the Summary worksheet, in cell B11, use the NOW function to display the current date. | 3| 22| Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Summary, Franklin Ave. , Main St. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. | 0| | Total Points| 100|
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on International Labor Organization
The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries – at least 120 million full time. Sixty-one percent of these are in Asia, 32 percent in Africa, and 7 percent in Latin America. Most working children in rural areas are found in agriculture; urban children work in trade and services, with fewer in manufacturing, construction and domestic service. Only an estimated 5 percent of child laborers work in export industries. Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child protects children from economic exploitation and work that is likely to be hazardous to the child’s development, or to interfere with the child’s education. It calls on states to take legislative and other measures, including sanctions and penalties, to guarantee this protection to children. Those addressing the issue of child labor are sometimes divided on how to proceed and consider a range of different approaches. Some urge that child labor be eliminated quickly and aggressively, including through the use of trade sanctions when countries or industries fail to act decisively. Some call for reforming the conditions in which children work with a view toward gradual elimination. Some believe that work plays an important and positive role in children's lives and in their relations with their families, and seek reform, but not an end to child labor. A simple approach of requiring employers to discharge all child workers can lead to devastating results for children removed from the workplace. Children discharged from work can find themselves on the street in prostitution or crime, or working in even worse conditions and for less pay. In tackling the issue of child labor, consideration of the immediate and direct consequences for working children and their families cannot be underestimated. The removal of children from the workforce can have devastating results fo... Free Essays on International Labor Organization Free Essays on International Labor Organization The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries – at least 120 million full time. Sixty-one percent of these are in Asia, 32 percent in Africa, and 7 percent in Latin America. Most working children in rural areas are found in agriculture; urban children work in trade and services, with fewer in manufacturing, construction and domestic service. Only an estimated 5 percent of child laborers work in export industries. Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child protects children from economic exploitation and work that is likely to be hazardous to the child’s development, or to interfere with the child’s education. It calls on states to take legislative and other measures, including sanctions and penalties, to guarantee this protection to children. Those addressing the issue of child labor are sometimes divided on how to proceed and consider a range of different approaches. Some urge that child labor be eliminated quickly and aggressively, including through the use of trade sanctions when countries or industries fail to act decisively. Some call for reforming the conditions in which children work with a view toward gradual elimination. Some believe that work plays an important and positive role in children's lives and in their relations with their families, and seek reform, but not an end to child labor. A simple approach of requiring employers to discharge all child workers can lead to devastating results for children removed from the workplace. Children discharged from work can find themselves on the street in prostitution or crime, or working in even worse conditions and for less pay. In tackling the issue of child labor, consideration of the immediate and direct consequences for working children and their families cannot be underestimated. The removal of children from the workforce can have devastating results fo...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best Sales Campaign Ideas Templates to Increase Your Revenue
The Best Sales Campaign Ideas Templates to Increase Your Revenue It’d be great if everyone always wanted to pay full price for your product or service, but this isn’t the reality most marketers face. Enter the sales campaign. At various times during the year, a strategically planned sales or promotional campaign can boost revenue and move your business from the red to the black. *Fun Fact* Many believe that’s where â€Å"Black Friday†got its name. The promotions on that day generate so much revenue, that retailers are pushed into the black for the year. In this post, you’ll find everything you need to plan your next sales or promotional campaign, including 19 real-life promotional campaigns to draw inspiration from and four downloadable templates to help plan your next sales campaign. Download These Sales Campaign Templates to Get Started Sales campaigns have a lot of moving pieces and are no cake walk to plan. You’ll need quite a few people to help make this campaign a reality, so download these templates to make your job a little easier. Here’s a list of what templates are included in the download: A Creative Brief Template to clarify the high-level parts of your campaign. A Team Huddle PowerPoint Template to get team buy-in. A Campaign Planning Spreadsheet to get everything in order. A Marketing Calendar Template to set and meet all your deadlines. Table of Contents Welcome Bonus Discount Promo Ideas Buy One Get One (BOGO) Sales Campaign Ideas Buy More, Save More Sales Campaign Ideas Customer Loyalty Sales Campaign Ideas Rebate Sales Campaign Ideas Exchange / Upgrade Sales Promotion Ideas Influencer Discount Campaign Ideas Abandoned Cart Discount Ideas What is a Sales Campaign A sales campaign is a great way to increase demand for your product in a short amount of time. The purpose of the campaign is to inch existing leads closer to making their purchase. If someone is sitting on the fence unsure if they will buy, a sales campaign will likely nudge them toward finalizing their purchase. The average promotional campaign usually takes a multi-channel approach and runs for a limited time only. This sense of urgency motivates prospective buyers to move quickly throughout the marketing funnel. Why? Well, according to RetailMeNot, 81% of Americans say finding a great offer or discount is on their mind throughout the entire purchase journey. So as someone navigates their way through the marketing funnel, they’re always on the lookout for price drops and promotions. This is especially true for big-ticket purchases and those that fall under wants, rather than needs.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critical analysis of 2 plays Wilson, Fences and Hansberry, Raisin in Essay
Critical analysis of 2 plays Wilson, Fences and Hansberry, Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example Black people living in the Northern cities also had to deal with a great deal of racism and lack of opportunity. Not as recognized because it was not codified, the boundaries discovered in the Northern cities were sometimes just as harsh as those experienced in the Southern fields. Several of the limitations or boundaries experienced by black people in the Northern towns might have gone largely unrecognized had it not been for bold playwrights such as Lorraine Hansberry and August Wilson willing to capture, as much as possible, their interpretation of the black experience. In â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†and â€Å"Fences†, both Hansberry and Wilson are able to expose the hidden boundaries their characters encounter as they attempt to achieve a modest version of the American dream. Lorraine Hansberry’s play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†attempts to portray a relatively typical black family realistically attempting to cope with the boundaries the American society has placed on them. Opening the way for future writers to blatantly name their experience, the play opened on stage in 1959 and received positive reaction from white and black audiences for its bald realism. The play essentially reveals what happens during the few weeks following the death of the father, Mr. Younger. Mr. Younger (Big Walter) and Mrs. Lena Younger had once hoped of achieving the American Dream as she remarks to Ruth in Act I, scene 1: â€Å"We was going to set away, little by little, don’t you know, and buy a little place out in Morgan Park. We had even picked out the house †¦ Lord, child, you should know all the dreams I had ‘bout buying that house and fixing it up and making me a little garden in the back †¦ And didn’t none of it happen†(Hansberry 45). This conversation occurs because the family is waiting on the delivery of an insurance check in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Associated Effects of Beach Grooming on Intertidal Organisms Essay
Associated Effects of Beach Grooming on Intertidal Organisms - Essay Example The importance of measuring the macrofauna that is evident inside large kelp wracks ensures the survival or extinction of many species that flourish within the macrofauna community. Such specimens as hopper, work+Poly and crab are the subject of this paper and their capacity to flourish in numbers in either a groomed or ungroomed sandy beach. The kelp wracks provide an immense macro- and micro-organism breading ground along with sustainable features necessary to fulfill their existence. These numbers were inputted via t-test and produced outputs for their mean variance and their percentages equivalent to the groomed and ungroomed beach. The first of two samples was taken in the early morning prior to any grooming and a second sample was completed in the early afternoon along the transects that ran perpendicular to the line formed by the water's edge. Each sample consisted of a shovel full of sand and the organisms in it. The sand was then sieved in order to count all the organisms in each of the samples and was recorded on the data sheet. The t-tests and analysis/graphs are at the end of this report. There was some wrack present in the first sample and very little in the second sample. The transect continued on for the prescribed 30m long zone and 5m shoreward of the berm and was run down towards the water. Each sample was taken at every 2-meter transect line and to preserve the area after testing, each hole was filled in after data was collected. Discussion The goal of this research is to enter into discussion the three areas respecting the sandy beach ecosystem. These include patterns of Zonation, density and species diversity and the association of sandy beach invertebrate in ungroomed and groomed sand beaches. Pattern of Zonation Dahl (1952) identified three different zones attributed to the "amount of tidal inundation: 1) subterrestial fringe (Talitrid-Ocypodid belt); midlittoral zone (Cirolanid isopods); and the sub-littoral fringe (rich and varied fauna)" (Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Sandy Beaches, 2006). It has been found that an additional zone should be added for beaches in central California, called "swash zone" (MBNMS, 2006) and the following figure is relative to the fauna zone as outlined by Dahl: Figure 1. Faunal zonation on the Moss Landing beach. From Oakden and Nybakken 1977. source: Many of the meiofauna species which inhabit the interstitial spaces between the sand grains are impacted by the actual sand grain size and depending on the tidal fluctuations that are present to either remove large or small parts of the tidal silt. This impacts the collectivity of the interstitial fauna. Many people who don't understand the communities which are present within both the silt layers and the content of the sand for feeding and breeding purposes need to understand that beach grooming has a large ecological impact on the macrofauna culture. Measure the association of sandy beach invertebrates and kelp wrack A study completed by the National Park Service, Channel Islands National Park measured the invertebrates found within the kelp wrack in 1999 in samplings found at nine different sites characteristic of "core transects to measure infauna, point-contact transect to measure macrophyte wrack" in an effort to gauge the level of these communities.
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