Thursday, December 26, 2019
`` Sweetness `` By Toni Morrison - 1826 Words
â€Å"What is racism? Racism is a projection of our own fears onto another person. What is sexism? It’s our own vulnerability of our potency and masculinity projected as our need to subjugate from another person†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Gary Ross’s breakdown of the age-defying constructions of race and sexism exemplify how fabricated standards can take a toll on the well-being of individuals. American novelist Toni Morrison is renowned for her publications illustrating how racial stigma can dent a character physically, mentally and emotionally. â€Å"Sweetness†, an excerpt from God Help the Child, one of Morrison’s more recent works, follows the narrative of a guilt-stricken mother who allowed society’s predetermined notions of race interfere with her parenting, as her daughter was undeniably black while she and her husband have negro roots but are lighter skinned or ‘high-yellow’. As the story develops, it is obvious that the narrator, Lula Annà ¢â‚¬â„¢s mother feels some sort of resentment for mistreating her child and holding her back from experiencing a blissful childhood like other youngsters, but is too shameful to admit it. With time, tables turn and Lula Ann, Lula Mae’s daughter is able to regain her self-esteem, moves away, builds a career, and is preparing to settle down with a family of her own and change her miserable fate given to her by her parents. Morrison successfully translates the destructive effects of prioritizing racial constructs through varied elements including: characterization, point ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Sweetness By Toni Morrison1572 Words  | 7 Pagescommon for blacks to want to be white or be able to at least pass as white. In the short story, â€Å"Sweetness†by the author Toni Morrison, the character Sweetness faces the struggles of raising a dark skin girl during the 1950’s and 60’s. Since her and her husband were both light skin, they were shocked to have conceived a dark skin child. In trying to prepare her daughter for the real world, Sweetness relied on her strictness and harshness towards her daughter to prepare her for the real world. DuringRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bluest Eye1555 Words  | 7 Pagesbe a victim of sexual assault but also, the punishment of the offender. Toni Morrison, The author of The Bluest Eye, a victim of segregation, deals with sexual assault and segregation in her book. Chole Anthony Wofford, who goes by the name of Toni Morrison when writing her books, was born in Lorain, Ohio on February 18, 1931. Her father had several jobs to support their family, while her mother worked as a domestic worker. Toni lived in an integrated neighborhood. However, she did not become awareRead MoreSkin Deep : An Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Acidity1502 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of Toni Morrison’s Sweetness Toni Morrison’s work always impact and hit the audience soul. Regardless of the reader’s background, Toni Morrison’s work will find a way to grip the reader into a trance. The short story ‘Sweetness’ affected me because I’m a mother in the black community. Although I feel the complete opposite of the narrator, I’ve witness the demonstration of the character. Toni Morrison writes in the narrator as a mother who is disgusted and compassionate. ‘Sweetness’ is a representationRead MoreEssay on Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye1450 Words  | 6 PagesToni Morrisons The Bluest Eye One of the most prominent themes found in Toni Morrison’s acutely tragic novel The Bluest Eye is the transferal or redirection of emotions in an effort on the part of the characters to make pain bearable. The most obvious manifestation of that is the existence of race hatred for one’s own race that pervades the story; nearly every character that the narrator spends time with feels at some point a self-loathing as a result of the racism present in 1941 AmericanRead MoreEssay about Beauty in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison1243 Words  | 5 PagesPecola was a black girl with the dream to be beautiful. Toni Morrison takes the reader into the life of a young girl through Morrison’s exceptional novel, The Bluest Eye. The novel displays the battles that Pecola struggles with each and every day. Morrison takes the reader through the themes of whiteness and beauty, racism and stereotypes, and perception, through the use of symbolism, narrative voice, characterization a nd diction. Morrison is able to elicit the powerful story of a girl strugglingRead MoreJazz Influence On Jazz1469 Words  | 6 PagesThe Influence of Jazz in Toni Morrison’s Novel Jazz â€Å"It is only in his music [ ... ] that the Negro in America has been able to tell his story.†James Baldwin. â€Å"Jazz has been a part of a proud African American tradition for over 100 years. A robust, rhythmic under-structure, blue notes, solos, â€Å"call-and response†patterns, and improvisation of melody all characterize jazz music.†In Jà ¼rgen Grandt’s analysis, he states that in order to use jazz to look at African American literature, the criticalRead MoreSimilarities Between Sweetness And Desirees Baby1250 Words  | 5 PagesWithin the realm of imagination meets reality, in these stories â€Å"Sweetness†by Toni Morrison, and â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†by Kate Chopin, in each story it s shown that both authors had the father in each story leave for the same reason. The children’s skin color happens to come out black in skin color and the fathers’ see this as the worst thing possible, not only do they leave the kids but they disconnected from their partner. From the information that is given from the stories above, we can co ncludeRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison992 Words  | 4 PagesSet in the 1940s, during the Great Depression, the novel The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, illustrates in the inner struggles of African-American criticism. The Breedloves, the family the story revolves around a poor, black and ugly family. They live in a two-room store front, which is open, showing that they have nothing. In the family there is a girl named Pecola Breedlove, she is a black and thinks that she is ugly because she is not white. Pecola’s father, Cholly Breedlove, goes through humiliatedRead More The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison Essay1864 Words  | 8 PagesThe Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison      Beauty is said to be in the eyes of the beholder, but what if the image of beauty is forced into the minds of many? The beauty of a person could be expressed in many different ways, as far as looks and personality goes, but the novel The Bluest Eye begs to differ. It contradicts the principle, because beauty is no longer just a person’s opinion but beauty has been made into an unwritten rule, a standard made by society for society. The most important ruleRead MoreThe Price Of Persecution By Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye1238 Words  | 5 Pagesof race in the United States. Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye is a candid look into the lives of African Americans in the early 1940’s, focusing on the drama surrounding the coming of age of young girls. The debilitating effects of racism, sexism, and classism on children and adults of different social statuses are explored through the stories of a number of families. By illustrating a society in whic h each class elevates itself by oppressing those below them, Morrison demonstrates how the cyclical
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Compare/Contrast Thomas Jefferson and Jonathan Swift
There exists a fine line between the degree of responsibility a government has for its citizens, and the control it assumes to ensure the proliferation of its power. While freedom may be a traditional American value, how it is defined is a question that has long been a source of debate. Furthermore, when an institution follows a course of action that becomes detrimental to society, what responsibility, if any, do the citizens have to show their dissent, and what form should that dissent take? All of these are questions looking to be answered, with varying degrees of seriousness, by Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Swift. Thomas Jefferson’s A Declaration of Independence may be thought of as a universal symbol of traditional American values,†¦show more content†¦In the introduction Swift invokes the daily sight of poverty on the streets of Ireland, and how families, â€Å"are forced to employ all of their time in strolling, to beg sustenance for their helpless infants, who are, as they grow up, either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country.†While Swift opens with a strong sense of compassion, creating a sense of empathy in the reader, his comments about woman as â€Å"breeders†and Irish who â€Å"fight for the pretender in Spain,†give some insight into his mixed loyalties. The wretched description of poverty certainly creates a need for change, but when Swift begins to attack the same poor people he claim need assistance, the quality of his delivery is compromised and the reader loses some degree of emotional investment in the story. Another important component of each work individually is the course of action the author claims will be effective against their perceived source of tyranny. The Declaration of Independence, having clearly labelled each offense committed by the king, culminates in a final paragraph of action; the colonies claim to be â€Å"absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and out to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude
Monday, December 9, 2019
Important Part Of Business Process Management †free Samples
Question: How IT And Business Process Work Together? Answer: Introduction: Business Process Technology refers to optimum utilization of technology in any Business process. BPT is an important part of Business Process Management. Technology assists in efficient operations management. Today, technology is being used in every aspect of every business. Marketers are using Social Media for promotion of their products or services and communication with their customers. Human Resource management team has been using technological equipment to measure performance of their employees. Operations team utilizes technology to ensure end to end movement of products. Financials of business have also been adaptive to technology and have assisted large firms in creating financial transparency. Even Sales teams have not left any stone unturned in making efficient use of technology and forecasting quarterly or annual sales and assigning targets. In this essay, we have analyzed one blog, one video and one image on Business process technology and explained the intricacies of the same. In this Video a process consultant explains Business process technology works and how technology impacts every process of the business. The video takes us back to a time where technology was nonexistent and there was a bundle of data that was managed by a huge workforce using meagre tools. Since the inception of technology, this collection, acquiring and managing of data has become a cake walk. The video gives an example of recruitment. Anytime a new employee joins the firm there is a truckload of data that comes with that employee. His or her designation, employee ID, salary, documents, department, reporting manager, team etc. It is imperative that the firm stores this data somewhere and this is when the firm makes use of technology in the form of software. Predominant role of the software is to capture, retrieve and manipulate data without humans worrying about where the data is stored and how does it get updated. In order to achieve the same, the software creates a mathematical tool to ensure the entire data is stored and displayed as and when required by the firm. Another aspect of the technology is hardware, this software requires hardware to function. Hardware in the form of Personal computers, cables, networks etc. Therefore every firm has hardware assisting the software in order to complete a simple task of containing data of a new employee. Similarly there are numerous tasks that are done in any enterprise. Storing data, marketing, tracking, payments, and other operational details. All these tasks require technology which is a software assisted by hardware. This is why technology is now an inseparable part of any business and the purpose of technology is to smoothen business processes, save time, save cost (in the long run) and achieve high levels of efficiency leaving no scope of human error. Transforming Customer Experience by Infosys. Speaking of technology, one of the largest IT multinational company writes a blog about Chatbots. Chatbots are artificial intelligence enabled computer programs that can communicate with human users via internet. Chatbots are chat robots that solve queries, answer questions, and schedule appointments among numerous other tasks. This is one of the most optimum use of technology seen in this era. Chatbots are no more a concept, they are now a reality and are widely used on popular platforms like Facebook messenger, and we chat, Slack, Whatsapp, Twitter, Skype and many more. Chatbots can do everything for you from ordering food to booking a dentist appointment, from buying movie tickets to sending birthday cards to close ones. Gartner made a statement this year that while Chatbots cannot replace humans, they can be used to answer discovery questions and offer solutions without any human intervention. For example when you open Facebook messenger and message your friend Lets meet on Thursday, Facebook messenger will automatically show you an option to schedule a reminder for Thursday. Chatbots have taken digital engagement to a whole new level. This is the best evidence of how Technology can improve business processes and make them more efficient. Image: Figure 1: Business Knowledge Management Business knowledge management is the art of creating, saving, sharing, manipulating and managing information and using the same knowledge to make business processes efficient. As described in the image above, knowledge management has three major components People, Technology and Process. Every organization must have sufficient information on these three fronts. This knowledge must be shared with the right people and managed in the right manner. Knowledge management helps in efficient decision making, Building a learning organization and stimulating innovation (Forbes, 2012). People An organization cannot exist without its people. They are the backbone of every business. They materialize the ideas and decisions taken by the firm. Honest knowledge about companies employees is a two way street. The employee must have knowledge about the company policies, clarity in job description, awareness of the organization culture and other such information that may directly or indirectly impact his or her performance. On the other hand, Employee must share honest information about his performance, daily targets, and previous credentials and ensure that the company data remains safe. Process Knowledge of business process is the key to managing the business efficiently. Well defined process makes it easier for the organization to follow and avoid discrepancies. Operations of the business must be clear and doubtless. Knowledge must be gathered about the each process that is imperative to the business. Technology Technology makes business process easy and efficient. Knowledge of which technological tools to be used and how to use them help businesses achieve a better efficiency level. Any Grocery store must have knowledge about how to keep track of products in store, sold products and the out of stock products. Huge firms use RFID technology to gain knowledge on all these fronts. Which makes their business competent. Conclusion: The time where technology was just used to store data is long gone history. Today business processes require and make brilliant use of technology in every field and every department. A simple process of keeping track of employee attendance to Chatbots are all fruits of proficient use of technology. Businesses cannot function with technological advancements in this throat cutting competition and this is why our dependence on technology is growing day by day. Business Process technology is one of the drivers of successful business and the scope of this is only meant to surge drastically and this is sure to save more time and make our businesses more competent. References: Infosys, 2017,, viewed on 25 August, 2017. Forbes, 2012,, viewed on 25 August, 2017.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Report of Internship Essay Example Essay Example
The Report of Internship Essay Example Paper The Report of Internship Essay Introduction A month has passed, and my internship experience is over too. Looking back the working experience, I learned a lot and benefit from the valuable experience. But I think it is only the beginning of my future work and my dream. There is a long way for me to go and I have a lot of things to learn in the future. It will be full of challenges and unexpected conditions in the work, but I will try my best to overcome the difficulties and complete my job. This kind of determination is just acquired from this experience. During the month I worked as an assistant in the office. I learned a lot by observing, questioning and doing things. Through a month’s work I got a general idea of the secretary’s work in a company, though I did not do many things. From my perspective, responsibility, good attitude, punctuality are important qualities for an excellent employee. Now I will give a report about my internship. Before the start of the work, we listened to two lectures about translati on. The first lecture was given by a woman manager of translation company. She set up the company on her own, which is very extraordinary and outstanding. As we know, to set up a company is very hard. She really did a good job, and I quite admire her. The theme of this lecture is how to manage yourself properly. She discussed with us on the quality that need in the work. We came up with many a character like confidence, attitude, appearance and competency etc. She also expressed her opinion on the matter which inspired us a lot. And in the afternoon we were given a lecture on the EST( English for science and technology). The Report of Internship Essay Body Paragraphs We got a lot of vocabularies about science and technology that we never touched before. Then I prepared to my intern company. After a 24-hour journey on the train, I came to Guangzhou. And I went to Shenzhen where the company lies. I registered in the company and the staff was very nice to me. They gave me greetings on my trip on the train, then arranged a dorm foe me to live. They also gave me a brief introduction on the company. The firm was set up in 2000, and it was expanding gradually. Now it deals with many products including PCB, the major item. Through its efforts, it has become the supplier of some famous enterprise like Lenovo, Hair, Sumsung, etc. Moreover, the firm employs the ERP management system in order to meet the needs of the advanced management and serve the customer in more quality service. To protect the environment and cater to the ROHS standard of European Union, the fully started the regulation measures against the poisonous matters, which make it a green plant at present. The concept of management in the company is human first, environment friendly, exploit and innovation as well as sustainable development. The guide line for the production is process regulation, constant improvement pursuit in high quality and to meet the needs of clients. This is part of the corporate culture, which is excellent and beneficial to the development of the company. Maybe this is why the company grows so rapidly. After everything was all right, I began my work. It was the first time that I had been to the office. I was a little excited but nervous because I have no idea of what kind of job I wound take. They showed the office to me and we visited the production line. Every worker was carefully working and the clerks were performing their duties. Then I got some documents and materials regarding the company, from which I got a general idea of the business line and the kinds of products they deal in. They mainly specialize in electronics products. Some names of the items were completely new to me, so I would ask the employee who was not busy in a humble way. They usually explained it to me patiently. Then I was assigned to pick up the telephone and receive the fax. This is the basic part of the assistant job. Although it looks like a small and easy task, it’s essential for the green hand like me. When the phone rang, you can’t pick it up immediately or after a long time. It is better to wait it rang twice or third times before you pick it up. First you should say hello and tell him your name. The voice can’t be too loud or too fast so as to you can be understood. During the conversation you should keep smiling even if you can’t be seen by the other. In the end you could not hang up the phone until the other did it. So from the answer of the telephone, I learned many useful things so called the business etiquette. Also I had learned how to use the fax. I didn’t use it before, so it’s new tome at first. But it is easy to use the machine. I also knew that the fax played an important role in the company. It is a useful tool for exchanging information and sending or receiving documents and letters. The following days I did the same kind of job, and sometimes I helped other staff take documents or copy some materials. The work is repetitive and boring, which made me lose the enthusiasm for the work. But I found that the official staff was doing their work day after day. Can’t they feel humdrum? I began to realize that it’s the responsibility that enables them to work carefully. Any neglect and mistake may lead to the loss to the company. The job is not only about yourself, it also relates to your boss, even the whole company. Once you are engaged in a job, you must take it seriously. There are not always so many things for me to do, so when I was free I wound find things to do on my own. I think the internship is a good opportunity for the interns to learn some pra ctical things. So we must grasp every chance to improve ourselves. Therefore, I wound not relax myself even if there is nothing for me to do. Sometimes I quietly stand by other employees to observe their work and asked them some questions now and then. As a green hand, we can learn a lot of things by self study. I also found a supply agreement and tried to translate it. The translation of this agreement is the main job I did. Although we had practiced some business translation in campus, it’s quite different when you get a real piece of material. The agreement is set by two companies and has force adeffect, so it must cover every aspect. Any neglect may attribute to the loss to any companies. This agreement mainly contains fourteen parts. It contains term of agreement, purchase, price, quality criteria, compliance with laws, delivery and invoicing, inspection and rejection, changes, proprietary rights and confidential information, warranties, indemnification, force majeure, t ermination as well as generals. Every part has specific rules and specifications. The translation is hard, because business English has its own features like consistency, faithfulness, exactness. During the translation, we must adhere to the three principles, or else it will deviate from its original meanings, especially the date must be expressed clearly. Take the following sentences for examples: Party B shall deliver the finished products to Party A at â€â€- at the former’s own expense and risk not later than ten days after the end of each calendar quarter,and shall advise Party A by telex,within three days after loading,of the quantity,vessel’s name,port of shipment,date,estimated date of arrival to the destination and other information regarding the shipment. So we can conclude that the exactness is the most important factor in translation. There are still a lot of things for me to learn. The translation is a really long-term subject for us to learn. In future , I will enhance the practice of translation and improve my levels of translation. In the last week, I went to the talent market with the personnel. They plan to recruit the new employees to supplement vacant positions. The Shenzhen talent market is very big. After we arranged well, the crowds poured in. I never thought of the spectacle like this. So many people were looking for a job. Their complexions are so complicated that you can’t understand. Some people look confident and relaxed while some look worried and anxious. Everyone hopes to find a good job, but not everyone is lucky enough to get one. Some people came to our stand to ask the basic situations and some was asked to leave their resumes to wait for further notice. Then we get several dozens of resumes all the day. Theses persons’ destinies are unknown and maybe decided by certain people. I really realize the life is not so easy as I always imagined. Then after the selection of the HR, they picked out 10 ex cellent resumes. They asked me to notify them to come to interview on Monday. Again I began to make telephone calls. But this time it’s different from the before. The people I called are all very polite except one. To find a job is really difficult. Also I was lucky to attend the interview. I sat nearby to watch the process. In fact the interview began from their entrance. Their dresses and behaviors were considered in some way. The self introduction was necessary. From this part we can clearly know the communication skills. Then a few questions were asked. Some really gave a good answer while some are nervous and did not perform well. From this interview I learned a lot and benefit from it. In future when I look for a job, I will pay attention to this aspect, I think I will perform well and give a good impression. Before I leave Shenzhen, I also went to the Nanshan technology zone where some famous companies locate like Tencent, huawei. Ltd. Meanwhile, I went to the downtown of Shenzhen city. It’s really a modern and busy city. It’s also very clean. But the stress of competition is fierce, it’s really difficult for a new people to live here. It’s a place that values ability rather your degree. Once you have competency, you will be appreciated by others. I really learned a lot from this internship. This experience also will be helpful to my job searching in future. And I will make my effort to improve myself so as to find a good job next year. 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