Sunday, May 24, 2020
Victors and Vanquished Essay - 1402 Words
Victors and Vanquished The history of the Western hemisphere is full of war and conquest. One of the most significant and defining of those conquests is the downfall of the Mexica/Aztec Empire. While there are many other events to choose from, this one stands out since it was one over one of the largest empires in Central America. It is also important to look at because of the immense cultural impact it had. The story of this takeover reads like a movie script, a small band of Spaniards single handedly takes down the most powerful empire in Central America. It was an epic battle, which unfortunately led to the destruction of a magnificent culture. As in any major historical event there are many underlying themes and storylines†¦show more content†¦Among many things given to the Spaniards during the first few days of contact with the Aztecs was a large chest of gold figures along many other expensive things. This gesture of good will by the Aztecs would eventually lead to their downfall. The moment Cortez started receiving all these wonderful items his mind was most likely made up that he would do whatever it took to plunder every valuable item of the Aztec kingdom. As Cortez gradually moved deeper into Aztec territory he steadily received more gifts from the Aztecs and from other city-states that surrounded Tenochtitlan. Each time Montezuma requested for Cortez and the Spaniards to return back to the coast and conduct meetings and trade from there. However, with each gift received just gave Cortez additional incentive to move towards Tenochtitlan. By the time the Spaniards were in Tenochtitlan the Aztecs saw their true colors and it was too late. A second major theme, which played a very important role in this event, was the incredible advantage given to the Spanish due to their technology. The Aztecs were an advanced civilization with a large infrastructure, an organized system of government and many artistic and cultural achievements. However, they severely lacked many important advantages that were common in Europe at that time. The Aztecs had no iron tools or weapons,Show MoreRelatedVictors and Vanquished Essay1412 Words  | 6 PagesVictors and Vanquished The history of the Western hemisphere is full of war and conquest. One of the most significant and defining of those conquests is the downfall of the Mexica/Aztec Empire. While there are many other events to choose from, this one stands out since it was one over one of the largest empires in Central America. It is also important to look at because of the immense cultural impact it had. The story of this takeover reads like a movie script, a small band of Spaniards singleRead MoreWomen Of Algiers By Pablo Picasso898 Words  | 4 Pagesremorse for hurting others, and lust for control and power over women. 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In Frankenstein, Shelley argues (1) that Victor Frankensteins role as an Enlightenment hero, not only pulled him out of nature, but made him a slave to his creation; (2) that Frankensteins role as a revolting romantic failed, because he didnt take responsibility for his creation; and (3) mankind must find a balance between the Enlightenment and Romantic ideologies. In his youth Victor spent his time secluded from nature, studying books. Victor spent every hour trying to learning how to banishRead MoreThe Spanish Conquest1711 Words  | 7 Pagesimportantly) gunpowder gave the invaders a devastating superiority of force, man for man, against warriors armed only with bravery and stone-edged weapons. Spanish weaponry produced staggering death tolls[5]. For the Conquest of Mexico, In Victors and Vanquished, by Stuart Schwartz, he says, â€Å"despite the Mexica’s experience in warfare their military objectives, weapons, tactics, and experience put them at a decided disadvantage in the face of Spanish steel and Spanish objectives even though they outnumberedRead MoreWorld War I: The Big Three at the Center of the Peace Settlement of Versailles 886 Words  | 3 Pagesthroughout the 20th century. One well-known historian in support of this view is David Andelmen, which is displayed in the following statement â€Å"The peace imposed at V ersailles by the western powers –Britain, France, Italy and the United States – On the vanquished, not to mention the weak, the powerless, the orphaned and the friendless, determined much of what went wrong for the balance of the century and beyond.†These three men according to Andelmen were the soul reason for many of the events and crisesRead MoreA Rose For Miss Emily Analysis973 Words  | 4 Pagesnever pursuing the matter further. It is significant to note that a colonel is subordinate only to a captain in military rank. The aldermen did not have the ability to pull rank on either the dead colonel or Miss Emily. She â€Å"vanquished them, horse and foot as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell†(Faulkner, paragraph 15). â€Å"Vanquish†is a strong term specifically denoting to overcome in battle. The addition of the phrase â€Å"horse and foot†is a reference to the cavalry
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation - 1852 Words
Nicholas Spangler Ms. Thalheimer English 12 17 November, 2017 Organ Donation Should be Mandatory Organ harvesting is a surgical procedure that involves removing the organs from a brain-dead victim. Whereas, an organ transplantation is a surgical procedure that removes old defective organs, and replaces them with the new organs from the organ harvesting. Both of these two terms make up the total process of organ donation. Organ Donation carries various pros and cons in the short term and long term of the process. There are many effects that occur before harvesting that can influence the outcome of whether or not the victims organs can be harvested, such as family, religious beliefs, and common misconceptions people believe in. Since the†¦show more content†¦Families don’t have an abundance of time to make this decision because the organs can only be saved for so long until they begin to deteriorate. When the organs are approved by the family to be donated, the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) starts to play a large role in the next steps, these are: Both physical and mental health are evaluated, as well as the individuals support system. If accepted, the patient is placed into the database. If a donor becomes available, the computer will match the two and rank according to blood type, tissue match, length of time on the waiting list, immune status, and distance between donor and recipient. In cases of heart, lung, and intestinal transplants, medical urgency is also assessed. (McDougall, 477) UNOS focuses on who the recipient of one of the eight organs will be. The organs are tested to determine blood type so they can make sure the recipient can receive that type of blood without harming their body. When determining who should be the recipient of a certain organ UNOS looks at how long someone has been waiting, blood type, distance, and severity of recipient. These factors give no special treatment to the recipient or donor: race, gender, ethnicity, and social status. The goal of UNOS is to make sure everybody on the waiting list is treated respect and equal care. Today there are â€Å"more than 118,000 people waiting for transplants†(UNOS). Everyday around twentyShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Organ Donation1176 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan DonationAfter Death: An Annotated Bibliography Moritsugu, Kenneth P. The Power of Organ Donation to Save Lives through Transplantation. Public Health Reports. Association of Schools of Public Health, 2013. Web. 14 June 2017. . Organ and tissue donation are important and could be difference between life and death in some cases. In this article Kenneth Moritsugu is a former Acting Surgeon General of the United States and shares his experiences with organ donning and how it can change livesRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Organ Donation Essay1031 Words  | 5 Pagesother people who have been struggling for so long and are waiting for an organ transplant from an organ donor. Although many people need organs and think it is a good thing, there are also many people that are against organ donation. Organ donation is the process of taking a whole organ or just part of an organ from one person, so it can be transplanted into another person. In order for somebody to be able to donate organs after death, they have to be brain dead. Brain death can be caused by anyRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Xenotransplantation: Organ Donations1073 Words  | 5 Pagesknow many of the people who need organ donations need them because of new and old health issues. The worldwide demand for organs far surpasses the supply. A study done by the United Network for Organ Sharing in 2004 found that over one hundred thousand patients could have benefited from an organ transplant but only twenty-nine thousand were available. In the United States alone seventeen patients die each and every day while on the waiting list to receive a donor organ. Scientists have been trying toRead MoreOrgan Donation After Death By Toni Gross1476 Words  | 6 Pages Organ Donation After Death by Toni Gross Specific Purpose Statement: ​To invite my audience to consider the pros and cons of donating organs after death and to consider where this leads into the future. Thesis: ​Organ donation is the process of giving an organ or a part of an organ and transplanting it into another person in order for them to survive, today I am wanting to better understand the different views on organ donating so I can make a better decision on deciding whether to registerRead MoreOrgan Donation1090 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: Why organ donation should be mandatory Audience: College Students General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade people to want to become an organ donor and the benefits of being one Proposition: You should become an organ donor Organizational Pattern: Statement of logical reasoning Introduction: Attention Getter: Organ donation is an amazing thing, saving many lives every year. Roughly 152,000 people die every day and 55 Million die each year yet, there is 116,000 peopleRead MoreOrgan Donation : Persuasive Speech909 Words  | 4 PagesOrgan Donation Rhetorical Analysis Organ donation has been a major controversy for many years now. There are those people who favor it and the ones who do not. According to the United States Organ and Tissue Transplantation Association, organ donation is defined as tissue or organ removal from a deceased or living donor, for transplantation purposes. Tissues and organs are moved in a surgical procedure. Afterwards, they are transplanted to a recipient to ensure their recovery (Francis 2015). OrganRead MoreOrgan Donation And Its Effects On The Donor Essay1694 Words  | 7 Pagesmortal donation also takes away any chance of effects on the donor. Since the donor is deceased, there is no worry of the effects because of two reasons: they are no longer living and they have no use for their viable organs anymore. With the several pros and cons of postmortal donation, comes the different aspects of inter vivos donation. When organs are taken from living donors and are transplanted there are also several pros and cons present. One disadvantage in live organ donation is the effectRead MoreAn Analysis Of Organ Donation Essay1509 Words  | 7 PagesAn Analysis of Organ Donation Flashback to when you were sixteen years old. Young, naive, and about to be ruling the streets with your very own Driver’s License. You passed your written and physical driving exams, but before you are able to get your â€Å"right of passage†, you must indicate whether or not you are willing to donate your organs in the case of your death. But how does one know which box to check? It is your responsibility to educate yourself in the matter because ignorance is not alwaysRead MorePersuasive Speech : Organ Donor1480 Words  | 6 Pagesaudience of the importance of becoming an organ donor to save lives. Thesis: Becoming an organ donor can give severely ill people another chance at living a normal life. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Imagine having a loved one who is in end stage organ failure and has been put on the organ transplant waiting list, in hopes getting the chance to live. B. Reason to Listen: With the long list of people waiting to receive an organ transplant, it is important thatRead MoreThe History of Organ Donation and Transplantation 1004 Words  | 5 Pages Organ donation is the surgical removal of organs or a tissue of one person to be transplanted to another person for the purpose of replacing a failed organ damaged by disease or injury. Organs and tissues that can be transplanted are liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart, lungs, intestines, cornea, middle ear, skin, bone, bone marrow, heart valves, and connective tissues. Everyone regardless of age can consider themselves as potential donors. After one dies, he is evaluated if he is suited for organ donation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Digital Fortress Chapter 11 Free Essays
Spain. I sent David to Spain. The commander’s words stung. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Fortress Chapter 11 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"David’s in Spain?†Susan was incredulous. â€Å"You sent him to Spain?†Her tone turned angry. â€Å"Why?†Strathmore looked dumbfounded. He was apparently not accustomed to being yelled at, even by his head cryptographer. He gave Susan a confused look. She was flexed like a mother tiger defending her cub. â€Å"Susan,†he said. â€Å"You spoke to him, didn’t you? David did explain?†She was too shocked to speak. Spain? That’s why David postponed our Stone Manor trip? â€Å"I sent a car for him this morning. He said he was going to call you before he left. I’m sorry. I thought-â€Å" â€Å"Why would you send David to Spain?†Strathmore paused and gave her an obvious look. â€Å"To get the other pass-key.†â€Å"What other pass-key?†â€Å"Tankado’s copy.†Susan was lost. â€Å"What are you talking about?†Strathmore sighed. â€Å"Tankado surely would have had a copy of the pass-key on him when he died. I sure as hell didn’t want it floating around the Seville morgue.†â€Å"So you sent David Becker?†Susan was beyond shock. Nothing was making sense. â€Å"David doesn’t even work for you!†Strathmore looked startled. No one ever spoke to the deputy director of the NSA that way. â€Å"Susan,†he said, keeping his cool, â€Å"that’s the point. I needed-â€Å" The tiger lashed out. â€Å"You’ve got twenty thousand employees at your command! What gives you the right to send my fiance?†â€Å"I needed a civilian courier, someone totally removed from government. If I went through regular channels and someone caught wind-â€Å" â€Å"And David Becker is the only civilian you know?†â€Å"No! David Becker is not the only civilian I know! But at six this morning, things were happening quickly! David speaks the language, he’s smart, I trust him, and I thought I’d do him a favor!†â€Å"A favor?†Susan sputtered. â€Å"Sending him to Spain is a favor?†â€Å"Yes! I’m paying him ten thousand for one day’s work. He’ll pick up Tankado’s belongings, and he’ll fly home. That’s a favor!†Susan fell silent. She understood. It was all about money. Her thoughts wheeled back five months to the night the president of Georgetown University had offered David a promotion to the language department chair. The president had warned him that his teaching hours would be cut back and that there would be increased paperwork, but there was also a substantial raise in salary. Susan had wanted to cry out David, don’t do it! You’ll be miserable. We have plenty of money-who cares which one of us earns it? But it was not her place. In the end, she stood by his decision to accept. As they fell asleep that night, Susan tried to be happy for him, but something inside kept telling her it would be a disaster. She’d been right-but she’d never counted on being so right. â€Å"You paid him ten thousand dollars?†she demanded. â€Å"That’s a dirty trick!†Strathmore was fuming now. â€Å"Trick? It wasn’t any goddamn trick! I didn’t even tell him about the money. I asked him as a personal favor. He agreed to go.†â€Å"Of course he agreed! You’re my boss! You’re the deputy director of the NSA! He couldn’t say no!†â€Å"You’re right,†Strathmore snapped. â€Å"Which is why I called him. I didn’t have the luxury of-â€Å" â€Å"Does the director know you sent a civilian?†â€Å"Susan,†Strathmore said, his patience obviously wearing thin, â€Å"the director is not involved. He knows nothing about this.†Susan stared at Strathmore in disbelief. It was as if she no longer knew the man she was talking to. He had sent her fiance-a teacher-on an NSA mission and then failed to notify the director about the biggest crisis in the history of the organization. â€Å"Leland Fontaine hasn’t been notified?†Strathmore had reached the end of his rope. He exploded. â€Å"Susan, now listen here! I called you in here because I need an ally, not an inquiry! I’ve had one hell of morning. I downloaded Tankado’s file last night and sat here by the output printer for hours praying TRANSLTR could break it. At dawn I swallowed my pride and dialed the director-and let me tell you, that was a conversation I was really looking forward to. Good morning, sir. I’m sorry to wake you. Why am I calling? I just found out TRANSLTR is obsolete. It’s because of an algorithm my entire top-dollar Crypto team couldn’t come close to writing!†Strathmore slammed his fist on the desk. Susan stood frozen. She didn’t make a sound. In ten years, she had seen Strathmore lose his cool only a handful of times, and never once with her. Ten seconds later neither one of them had spoken. Finally Strathmore sat back down, and Susan could hear his breathing slowing to normal. When he finally spoke, his voice was eerily calm and controlled. â€Å"Unfortunately,†Strathmore said quietly, â€Å"it turns out the director is in South America meeting with the President of Colombia. Because there’s absolutely nothing he could do from down there, I had two options-request he cut his meeting short and return, or handle this myself.†There was along silence. Strathmore finally looked up, and his tired eyes met Susan’s. His expression softened immediately. â€Å"Susan, I’m sorry. I’m exhausted. This is a nightmare come true. I know you’re upset about David. I didn’t mean for you to find out this way. I thought you knew.†Susan felt a wave of guilt. â€Å"I overreacted. I’m sorry. David is a good choice.†Strathmore nodded absently. â€Å"He’ll be back tonight.†Susan thought about everything the commander was going through-the pressure of overseeing TRANSLTR, the endless hours and meetings. It was rumored his wife of thirty years was leaving him. Then on top of it, there was Digital Fortress-the biggest intelligence threat in the history of the NSA, and the poor guy was flying solo. No wonder he looked about to crack. â€Å"Considering the circumstances,†Susan said, â€Å"I think you should probably call the director.†Strathmore shook his head, a bead of sweat dripping on his desk. â€Å"I’m not about to compromise the director’s safety or risk a leak by contacting him about a major crisis he can do nothing about.†Susan knew he was right. Even in moments like these, Strathmore was clear-headed. â€Å"Have you considered calling the President?†Strathmore nodded. â€Å"Yes. I’ve decided against it.†Susan had figured as much. Senior NSA officials had the right to handle verifiable intelligence emergencies without executive knowledge. The NSA was the only U.S. intelligence organization that enjoyed total immunity from federal accountability of any sort. Strathmore often availed himself of this right; he preferred to work his magic in isolation. â€Å"Commander,†she argued, â€Å"this is too big to be handled alone. You’ve got to let somebody else in on it.†â€Å"Susan, the existence of Digital Fortress has major implications for the future of this organization. I have no intention of informing the President behind the director’s back. We have a crisis, and I’m handling it.†He eyed her thoughtfully. â€Å"I am the deputy director of operations.†A weary smile crept across his face. â€Å"And besides, I’m not alone. I’ve got Susan Fletcher on my team.†In that instant, Susan realized what she respected so much about Trevor Strathmore. For ten years, through thick and thin, he had always led the way for her. Steadfast. Unwavering. It was his dedication that amazed her-his unshakable allegiance to his principles, his country, and his ideals. Come what may, Commander Trevor Strathmore was a guiding light in a world of impossible decisions. â€Å"You are on my team, aren’t you?†he asked. Susan smiled. â€Å"Yes, sir, I am. One hundred percent.†â€Å"Good. Now can we get back to work?†How to cite Digital Fortress Chapter 11, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Condensed Reality Study of Material Culture
Question: Discuss about the Condensed Reality for Study of Material Culture. Answer: Introduction: The Morobe show has it history from 1959. The show has grown for the past two decade to reach attendance of more than 100000people. It has also earned a financial success for years as the show became commercialized with increased number of sponsors. Number of events in the show has increased over the years that have made it interesting and attracting more and more tourists. In the past two decades, M. Quinn ML and P. Franklin have been the presidents of the show taking 22 years and to present respectively (Sykes, Kamene, 2001). The Morobe show has for the years conserved the traditions and cultures of Papua New Guinea. The event that started with few events majorly on agriculture has incorporated other event that has enriched the show. The transaction in leadership and creation of life president has seen continuity of the society culture of being conservative. The Morobe show had the best financial results in the year 1997. This was as a result of upgrading fencing and ticket selling. It was also enhanced with entertainment and displays. It is during this time that the show had introduced Ferris wheel that contributed to more attraction. In 2000, the show introduced Morobe show Queen (Rannells Mimi, 2005). This was contest to promote New Guinea Culture. However, the show has been canceled once in the past 20years due to 2009 cholera outbreak. The show was also adversely affected by New York booming in 2001. The show also gets affected by adverse weather leading to low financial returns. The Show has for years relied on sponsorship from both national and international companies. The show experienced it highest level of sponsorship in 2007. These sponsors included Coca Cola, Trukai Industries and Ramu Agri-industries (Bourke, Harwood, 2009). Analysis of the Event The Morobe Show is the biggest and most famous every year event in Papua New Guinea. The show was started in 1959 and 2016 marked their 55th Show in Lae Showground (Keurs, 2006). The event president is P. Franklin MBE how has held the position for the past two years. The Morobe Show is held in Lae Showground. The show has over the years evolved to attract the international community making it a financial success event for sponsors as a result of commercialization and popularity. The event is held on October weekend close to the moon. The main showcases are agriculture, commercial and culture. The show has attractive entertainment in fairground rides, daredevil bike ride and traditional dances. The show is organized and coordinated by Morobe Province Agricultural Society. The Show website is The Morobe show is sponsored by Grand Champion, Coca Cola Amatil, Blue Ribbon, Trukai and Ramu industries. These sponsors contributed K50000 for the Morobe event 2016. Growth of Morobe Show The event has grown for years with attendance reaching to an average of 100000people in the past five years. The show increased participates to more than 1000 in the past on decade with improved quality. There has been an also increased group as from 2007 that have attracted more tourists in the event. They stand at 58 representing the top performing groups in PNG and Australia. The number of events has also increased with entertainment taking a central part in the Show. Several games have been introduced and enhanced to increase participation and entertainment to the show. The number of sponsors in the event has increased to take advantage of the growing event that has become popular in the country (Prideaux et al, 2006). This has led to companies operating in PNG promoting their products in the event and recording good results. Marketing of Morobe Show The event has been marketed in different websites to persuade and inform attendance of the Show. The organization has majorly invested in internet marketing to reach a large audience both locally and internationally. Morobe Show uses Trans Niugini Tours and Papua New Guinea Travels. The websites used for marketing are updated with detailed information about the event that creates expectations to the potential attendance. These websites are touring websites that visited my tourists visiting PNG. Since these websites are mostly visited by tourist providing them with information on the upcoming interesting events in the province enables them to schedule visit to the show. This helps the tourist to easily access information and they are facilitated to attend the event by the touring companies. These touring websites are integrated to offer full hospitality to tourist enabling them to move around and have the best visits in the country (Keurs, 2006). The marketing strategy exercised by Mo robe Show is appropriate for the event because it connects the tourists to the event. The websites offer a worldwide advertisement of the event reaching more audience around the world. This encourages both international audiences and participants to the event. From this marketing of Morobe Show, it recommendable that the organizers of the event prepare a video advertisement to be displayed in these websites instead of just words. This is because videos showing past event are more likely to create anxious to attend the event than reading. The marketers of the show should also consider extending marketing in the catering websites. These catering websites are also highly attended by tourist and engagement in a cultural event would create an admirable associate. Competitors Papua New Guinea is rich in culture and has several events running in the country throughout the year. These events include the following; Mt Hagen Cultural Sow that is to be held in Mt Hagen, Morobe Yam Festival to be held in Lae and Zumin pottery Exhibitions also in Lae (May, 2004). These events are schedules to reoccur every year though different dates with Morobe Show. These competitors are different from Morobe Show because they have specialized in different set of events. For instance, Mt Hagen Cultural Show has in depth cultural showcase that bring together different tribal participants in the region creating a large number of following. These competing events compete for attendance that earns return to sponsors and organizers. However, Morobe Show is rated as the best among the showcase events in PNG for it different events taking place simultaneously and popularity among PNG and Australia. Event Lifecycle of Morobe Show The Morobe Show is a recurring event that happens every year. The event is in the maturity stage citing it development for the past one decade. The Morobe show has been on an upward graph for the past two decades will increase events and attendances. The Show reached its peak on 2008 with 105000 people that have later stagnated at 100000 people with little variation. It therefore the job of the organizers of Morobe Show to keep the event attracting more and more attendances to maintain an upward graph. According to event lifecycle, the Morobe Show is at the peak with large participants and attendances. The growth of attendance is at a slow rate as compared to two decades ago (Mckinnon et al, 2008). This stage in the event lifecycle indicate that if the does not enhance it marketing strategies it can start declining in terms of events and attendances. Therefore, the organizers should strategize on meeting standards and making the show more interesting by adding events and marketing wi dely to receive more attendances. Recommendation to Coca Cola Company Coca cola has sponsored Morobe Show since 2007. The Coca cola Company made K60000 to the event facilitating the event to greater height. It is from these facilitations that the event has been able to reach more potential attendances resulting to an increase by 8% in 2008 Show (Stanley, 2007). The Show has in the recent past attained recognition in PNG and Australia making it a good avenue for product promotion. Since the show is associated with promotions, it recommendable for Coca Cola company to continue and increase its sponsorship in the event. Also, the event is continuously attaining popularity in the international society thereby creating room for more audience. Therefore, sponsorship of Coke Company to Morobe Show will assist the company to promote it brand in PNG. Conclusion From the discussion in this report, it clear that the event under study is most famous in PNG and is gaining popularity with time. The Morobe Show has evolved to be an attractive event for both local and international society. In the recent decade, the event has also been commercialize and grown to be popularized as a promotion avenue. It is therefore recommendable for companies wishing to promote their brand or product to sponsor the event for there is prospects for return due to large following of the event. References Bourke, R. M., Harwood, T. A. (2009). Food And Agriculture In Papua New Guinea. Canberra, A.C.T., Anu E Press. Http://Press.Anu.Edu.Au?P=53311. Keurs, P. T. (2006). Condensed Reality: A Study Of Material Culture ; Case Studies From Siassi (Papua New Guinea) And Enggano (Indonesia). Leiden, Cnws Publications. Mckinnon, R., Carillet, J.-B., Starnes, D. (2008). Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands. Footscray, Vic, Lonely Planet. May, R. J. (2004). State And Society In Papua New Guinea: The First Twenty-Five Years. Canberra, Act, Australian National University E Press. Prideaux, B., Moscardo, G., Laws, E. (2006). Managing Tourism And Hospitality Services: Theory And International Applications. Wallingford, Cabi. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1079/9781845930127.0000. Rannells, J., Matatier, E., Mimi, K. (2005). Png Fact Book: A One Volume Encyclopedia Of Papua New Guinea. South Melbourne, Vic, Oxford Univ. Press. Stanley, N. (2007). The Future Of Indigenous Museums: Perspectives From The Southwest Pacific. New York, Berghahn Books. Sykes, K., Simet, J., Kamene, S. (2001). Culture And Cultural Property In The New Guinea Islands Region: Seven Case Studies. New Delhi, Ubspd.
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